Art the Virgin in the Garden of Paradise German School

The denomination Upper Rhenish Master refers to an artist active ca. 1410–20 possibly in Strasbourg. The most famous painting of the creative person is Paradiesgärtlein (Little Garden of Paradise), a mixed-technique painting on oakwood, 26.3 10 33.4 cm, now in the Städel Museum (on permanent loan from the Historical museum in Frankfurt since 1922). The painting is the Städel's most famous example of the former German school.


Property Value
  • Als Oberrheinischer Meister (auch Meister des Paradiesgärtleins) wird ein unbekannter oberrheinischer Meister der Spätgotik bezeichnet. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist das Frankfurter Paradiesgärtlein, nach dem er ebenfalls benannt wird. Daneben werden ihm beziehungsweise seiner Werkstatt weitere Werke zugeschrieben, die unterschiedliche Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen. In der langen Forschungsgeschichte gab es verschiedene Lokalisierungshypothesen und Identifikationsversuche. Während die Lokalisierung an den Oberrhein nun als gesichert golden, ist keine Identifikation mit einem bekannten Maler dieser Zeit im kunsthistorischen Diskurs allgemein akzeptiert. Stilistisch gehörte der Oberrheinische Meister dem Weichen Stil an. (de)
  • Le Maître du Haut Rhin, ou Maître du Jardin de Paradis de Francfort, est united nations peintre anonyme du gothique tardif, actif dans la région de la Rhénanie supérieure dans le premier quart du XVe siècle. Southward'inscrivant dans le courant du gothique international, il doit son nom provisoire à son œuvre la plus célèbre, le Jardin de Paradis, conservée au Städel Museum de Francfort-sur-le-Main en Allemagne. En l'absenteeism de documentation le concernant, aucune identification définitive n'a jusqu'à présent été possible. Sa localisation dans la région de la Rhénanie supérieure, et plus particulièrement dans la ville de Strasbourg, recueille cependant désormais un large consensus parmi les historiens d'art, même si le corpus de ses œuvres, établi selon des rapprochements techniques et stylistiques, reste discuté — notamment pour distinguer celles de sa main propre de celles de son atelier. (fr)
  • The denomination Upper Rhenish Main refers to an artist agile ca. 1410–twenty possibly in Strasbourg. The about famous painting of the artist is Paradiesgärtlein (Little Garden of Paradise), a mixed-technique painting on oakwood, 26.3 x 33.4 cm, now in the Städel Museum (on permanent loan from the Historical museum in Frankfurt since 1922). The painting is the Städel'due south near famous example of the erstwhile German language schoolhouse. In this famous painting, the artist depicts a secluded scene, with Mary the Mother and Jesus the Child in a secluded corner of a castle garden, a peaceful place protected by a wall from the violent outer world. The painter applies the concept of "hortus conclusus," described by Albertus Magnus of Cologne, philosopher and father of the church. "hortus conclusus" (Lat. 'enclosed garden')a representation of the Virgin and Child in a fenced garden, sometimes accompanied by a group of female saints. The garden is a symbolic allusion to a phrase in the Song of Songs (4:12): 'A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse'. Working some two hundred years subsequently Albertus, the Upper Rhenish Master realizes a painting that is designed for the pleasance of spectators, only is likewise intended to be the vector of spiritual benefits. According to the 13th-century theologian, a pleasurable and sacred garden should contain "pleasant flowers .. trees .. animal .. a spring fix in stone .. for its purity .. source of spiritual delectation" for a pious spectator. Every detail of the Fiddling Garden of Paradise stands for something more than itself. Contemporary people were likely to take been acquainted with the symbols. If, in the Middle Ages few could read, any visual form of advice was an effective instrument in social club to spread the faith.The unknown artist has mastered the employ of symbols and orchestrates the stage as a playground not only appropriate for holy persons merely for the new and upcoming vision of nature that will exist a cornerstone in the 15th century. Among the other works of this anonymous master, two square panels of much larger size than the Frankfurt painting can be seen today in the Musée de 50'Œuvre Notre-Matriarch in Strasbourg: The Nascence of the Virgin and The Doubt of Saint Joseph. (en)
  • Il Maestro dell'alto Reno (Oberrheinischer Meister; ... – ...; fl. XV secolo) è stato united nations pittore anonimo forse tedesco attivo intorno al 1410. 50'ignoto artista, probabilmente dell'alto Reno e formatosi in Alsazia, united nations tempo prendeva il suo nome anche dalla tavoletta col Giardino del Paradiso (Paradiesgärtlein), conservata nello Städelsches Kunstinstitut di Francoforte sul Meno east datata attorno al 1410. In un giardino fiorito cinto da alte mura merlate, la Vergine è seduta presso un tavolo esagonale mentre sfoglia un libro delle ore; sulla sinistra una delle Pie Donne coglie frutti, in primo piano un'altra attinge acqua, con un mestolo d'oro, alla fontana di vita e la terza regge un salterio dinanzi al Bambino. In primo piano sulla destra sacra conversazione tra san Giorgio, identificabile dal drago riverso sotto di lui, san Michele arcangelo, con accanto una scimmia incatenata simbolo del demonio domato e san Sebastiano, quest'ultimo addossato a un albero. All'anonimo o alla sua cerchia è da attribuire la Madonna delle fragole proveniente dal , presso Biel, databile al 1425 circa e ora al di Soletta: la tavola prende nome dalla presenza delle fragole disseminate sul prato, simbolo del presentimento della Vergine della morte del figlio. La piccola Annunciazione, conservata nella di Winterthur, è invece da riferirsi advert united nations artista vicino al Maestro. (it)
  • A denominação Mestre do Alto Reno (ou Mestre do Jardim exercise Paraíso) refere-se a um artista do Gótico internacional que trabalhou em 1410 - 1420, possivelmente na região da Renânia, talvez em Strasbourg. A obra mais famosa do pintor chama-se O Pequeno Jardim do Paraíso (Paradiesgärtlein), agora no Museu Städel, em Frankfurt, na Alemanha. O quadro mostra Maria com o menino Jesus em um jardim de um castelo, cercados de santos. A obra é cheia de simbolismos religiosos marianos como, por exemplo, o jardim, que simboliza a virgindade de Maria. Além disso, é uma das primeiras imagens a representar every bit plantas due east animais de forma realista. Os pássaros no muro podem ser visivelmente identificados, bem como bone insetos. (pt)
  • Верхньорайнський майстер (нім. Oberrheinischer Meister), або Майстер райського садочка (нім. Meister des Paradiesgärtleins) — невідомий німецький художник з Верхнього Райну епохи пізньої готики, відомий своєю картиною «Райський садочок» (бл. 1410, Штедель, Франкфурт-ам-Майн). Один з представників «м'якого стилю». Цей стиль мистець збагатив елементами реалістичного зображення простору.. Стилістика Верхньорайнського майстра з характерним детальним зображенням природи й індивідуалізацією фігур містить в собі елементи раннього Відродження й гуманізму.. (uk)
  • wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Meister_des_Frankfurter_Paradiesgärtleins_001.jpg?width=300
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  • yago:Wikicat15th-centuryGermanPainters
  • yago:Wikicat15th-centuryPainters
  • Als Oberrheinischer Meister (auch Meister des Paradiesgärtleins) wird ein unbekannter oberrheinischer Meister der Spätgotik bezeichnet. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist das Frankfurter Paradiesgärtlein, nach dem er ebenfalls benannt wird. Daneben werden ihm beziehungsweise seiner Werkstatt weitere Werke zugeschrieben, dice unterschiedliche Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen. In der langen Forschungsgeschichte gab es verschiedene Lokalisierungshypothesen und Identifikationsversuche. Während die Lokalisierung an den Oberrhein nun als gesichert gold, ist keine Identifikation mit einem bekannten Maler dieser Zeit im kunsthistorischen Diskurs allgemein akzeptiert. Stilistisch gehörte der Oberrheinische Meister dem Weichen Stil an. (de)
  • Верхньорайнський майстер (нім. Oberrheinischer Meister), або Майстер райського садочка (нім. Meister des Paradiesgärtleins) — невідомий німецький художник з Верхнього Райну епохи пізньої готики, відомий своєю картиною «Райський садочок» (бл. 1410, Штедель, Франкфурт-ам-Майн). Один з представників «м'якого стилю». Цей стиль мистець збагатив елементами реалістичного зображення простору.. Стилістика Верхньорайнського майстра з характерним детальним зображенням природи й індивідуалізацією фігур містить в собі елементи раннього Відродження й гуманізму.. (uk)
  • The denomination Upper Rhenish Master refers to an artist active ca. 1410–20 possibly in Strasbourg. The virtually famous painting of the creative person is Paradiesgärtlein (Fiddling Garden of Paradise), a mixed-technique painting on oakwood, 26.3 10 33.4 cm, at present in the Städel Museum (on permanent loan from the Historical museum in Frankfurt since 1922). The painting is the Städel's most famous example of the old German schoolhouse. (en)
  • Le Maître du Haut Rhin, ou Maître du Jardin de Paradis de Francfort, est united nations peintre anonyme du gothique tardif, actif dans la région de la Rhénanie supérieure dans le premier quart du XVe siècle. S'inscrivant dans le courant du gothique international, il doit son nom provisoire à son œuvre la plus célèbre, le Jardin de Paradis, conservée au Städel Museum de Francfort-sur-le-Master en Allemagne. (fr)
  • Il Maestro dell'alto Reno (Oberrheinischer Meister; ... – ...; fl. Fifteen secolo) è stato united nations pittore anonimo forse tedesco attivo intorno al 1410. L'ignoto artista, probabilmente dell'alto Reno e formatosi in Alsazia, un tempo prendeva il suo nome anche dalla tavoletta col Giardino del Paradiso (Paradiesgärtlein), conservata nello Städelsches Kunstinstitut di Francoforte sul Meno e datata attorno al 1410. La piccola Annunciazione, conservata nella di Winterthur, è invece da riferirsi ad un artista vicino al Maestro. (information technology)
  • A denominação Mestre exercise Alto Reno (ou Mestre do Jardim do Paraíso) refere-se a um artista practice Gótico internacional que trabalhou em 1410 - 1420, possivelmente na região da Renânia, talvez em Strasbourg. A obra mais famosa do pintor chama-se O Pequeno Jardim practice Paraíso (Paradiesgärtlein), agora no Museu Städel, em Frankfurt, na Alemanha. (pt)
  • Oberrheinischer Meister (de)
  • Upper Rhenish Primary (en)
  • Maître du Haut Rhin (fr)
  • Maestro dell'alto Reno (it)
  • Mestre do Alto Reno (pt)
  • Верхньорейнський майстер (britain)
  • yago-res:Upper Rhenish Principal
  • freebase:Upper Rhenish Master
  • wikidata:Upper Rhenish Master
  • dbpedia-de:Upper Rhenish Chief
  • dbpedia-fr:Upper Rhenish Main
  • dbpedia-it:Upper Rhenish Master
  • dbpedia-pt:Upper Rhenish Chief
  • dbpedia-u.k.:Upper Rhenish Main
  • wikipedia-en:Upper_Rhenish_Master?oldid=1044246407&ns=0
  • wiki-eatables:Special:FilePath/Meister_des_Frankfurter_Paradiesgärtleins_001.jpg
  • wikipedia-en:Upper_Rhenish_Master
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  • dbr:Nativity_of_the_Virgin/Doubt_of_Saint_Joseph
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  • dbr:Rhen
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  • dbr:Meister_des_Frankfurter_Paradiesgärtleins
  • dbr:Master_of_the_Garden_of_Paradise
  • dbr:Master_of_the_Upper_Rhine
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  • dbr:Richard_Reames
  • dbr:List_of_Gothic_artists
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  • dbr:Paradiesgärtlein
  • dbr:List_of_anonymous_masters
  • dbr:Nativity_of_the_Virgin/Doubt_of_Saint_Joseph
  • dbr:Rhen
  • dbr:Master_of_the_Tennenbach_Altar
  • dbr:Meister_des_Frankfurter_Paradiesgärtleins
  • dbr:Master_of_the_Garden_of_Paradise
  • dbr:Master_of_the_Upper_Rhine
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  • dbr:Nativity_of_the_Virgin/Doubt_of_Saint_Joseph
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  • wikipedia-en:Upper_Rhenish_Master


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